23 July 2017

533. Reversed Tic-Tac-Toe

Easy Medium Hard Extreme

You are playing REVERSED Tic-Tac-Toe. This means the LOSER is the first player with 3 in a row (horizontal, vertical or diagonal).

The next move is yours. Where would you place the broken matchstick with head to guarantee yourself a win?

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You can place the broken matchstick with head on any of the open places as long as it does not form a row (horizontal, vertical or diagonal).

Below is one example:
Place your broken matchstick in the middle top row as shown above. The other player can now only play position 3. (1 or 2 would make him/her a loser). Thereafter your move could be 1 or 2.

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  1. I think you can place the broken matchstick with head in any of the open squares and still be guaranteed a win.

    1. Thank you. Yes that is correct. Answer has been adjusted.
